New Jersey Resources Directory
The link provided below is for the 2020-2021 New Jersey Resources Directory!
This guide is a comprehensive resource that identifies various programs and services the Department of Human Services offers to New Jersey residents. This guide can assist a family in finding out more information on things like, applying for food stamps, income and employment assistance, health care, and much more.
To help you find what you are looking for, use the "Find" feature in Acrobat Reader to speed up what you are searching for.
This is a great way to find resources that may be needed to help support your loved ones. The resources available are endless!

Alpha School an private special education school in New Jersey
Our Mission at The Alpha School is to help all of our special needs students with the learning, social, language, and behavioral support they deserve. Our highly skilled staff are committed daily to helping each student to becoming the best they can while providing a safe and nurturing educational environment.
We would be more than happy to discuss your child’s specific needs and challenges, so please call us at 732.370.1150, or request a tour of Alpha School of Jackson, NJ located just minutes off of Route 9 and Route 195 in Ocean County.
— John Gonzalez, Principal-Alpha School, Jackson, NJ